NEW! A place to improve our English!

Comentarios sobre temas que no atañen directamente al mundo de la moto.

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#26 Re: NEW! A place to improve our English!

Mensaje por fazerblanes »

5deabril escribió:
Fluzito escribió:
javijuvenil escribió:er is pretty offensive.

It can be presumed that it is intended to say:
"............... Creo que no nos lo estáis poniendo muy fácil...(imbéc*les)"mamones" que no entendemos mucho............. de este idioma que es muy complicado para muy complicado este idioma para alguno de nosotros (eso queria decir)

As you can see it is not offensive for those who understand some English (I'd rather understand it this way), but for those who don't even get a single word. In this case punctuation marks make the difference. I mean "dot_dot_dot", and brackets.
I just wanted to stand out what she is saying about herself so as not to make the same mistake again.

Just a hand giving I was, Yoda said.

FLuzito is a postscript lover
As you can see it is not offensive for those who understand some English (I'd rather understand it this way), but for those who don't even get a single word. In this case punctuation marks make the difference. I mean "dot_dot_dot", and brackets.
I just wanted to stand out what she is saying about herself so as not to make the same mistake again.

Como puede ver no es ofensiva para quienes entienden algunos Inglés (Prefiero entender de esta manera), pero para aquellos que ni siquiera saben una sola palabra. En este caso puntualizar marcas hacen la diferencia. Me refiero a "dot_dot_dot", y entre paréntesis.
Sólo quería destacar lo que está diciendo acerca de sí misma a fin de no cometer el mismo error de nuevo.

Muy mal vamos Fluzito,si me estas insinuando que soy imbéc*l.........pq a eso puedo contestar bastante mal y creo que este post no se lo merece.

Crei entender que se abria para usar el idioma, en este caso el ingles y poder con ello aprender algo o al menos algunas palabrillas....,,pero ya veo que solo pueden entrar los "listos".
Asi que............ cuando se abra otro del idioma que si puedo dominar "algo" ...........respondere.

Whaaaaaaaaaat... I can't understand this out of sync or outburst, I think, Fluzito only says the meaning of a word, in this case, "suckers"... and the translation is "imbéc*l". But, friends, it doesn't matter... be water my friend... :descojono:
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#27 Re: NEW! A place to improve our English!

Mensaje por nomada »

I believe that is only a misunderstanding. Come on, little hairs to the sea :mrgreen:
No me cuesta mantener la linea, pero como motero tiendo a la curva.
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#28 Re: NEW! A place to improve our English!

Mensaje por stromcio »

eso! why can´t we be friends, why can´t we be friends.

Ah, I have just remembered a joke, I´m trying to tell you now in english: This is a male child who asks to a female child: would you like I showed you the wiwisu? The female child, a little shy, accept. Then, the boy says: " wiwisu a merry crhistmas, wiwisu a merry christmas, wiwisu a merry christmas, and a happy new yeaaaaaarrrr"" Pffffffffffff!!!!
dame una palanca... y me apalancaré
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Registrado: 02 Sep 2007 01:19

#29 Re: NEW! A place to improve our English!

Mensaje por xjpedro »

My turn.

I strongly believe that to learn a proper english is necessary to pay attention to what it's been saying. I mean, you have to be forced to understand to get the laguage. That only happens when you'r alone in an english speaking country, with no spaniards arround.

But this is not a reason to let it go, there is a good idea in this post. It's just that, no small talkings nescesary. Talk about bikes and putting videos here would be interesting.

I use to wacht american and english movies to inprove my understanding, it really helps, to the point that now I cannot wacht Hugh Grant speacking spanish, for instance... And thats why of my spelling mistakes.

I'll be wachting this threat.

And, April the 5th: dont mess arround here... :mrgreen:
Y es que nos peleamos hasta en inglés, ostias.
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#30 Re: NEW! A place to improve our English!

Mensaje por seveyn »

Voy a escribir en castellano del bueno para que "me se" entienda , vale??
La proxima salida de tono, sea en ingles o en americano indio, daré por cerrado este hilo
Todos perseguimos la buena vida, aunque son pocos los que la conquistan.
Òscar Wilde

Para compartir... :drinks:
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#31 Re: NEW! A place to improve our English!

Mensaje por stormbringer »

Y yo escribiré en ingles "del malo"...

Seems to lie that this thread serves to generate controversy.
Intelligence and knowledge of the people be not something that should be taken for granted, is something to prove.
Because, besides being good people, there it seems.
And in this post, some are doing the opposite.
No need to know English, to realize that this is not going well.
At the next exit tone is detected, the thread will be closed immediately.

Es inglés traducido del Google; pero para quienes dominais tan ampliamente la lengua de Shakespeare no os será dificil entender el mensaje.
Objetivos moteros 2024: XI Invernal, Tarraco 1000, Marruecos VStromclub, VII Rider, XXII Nacional, Stromports, Escocia, XVI Hispano Lusa, Marruecos ADV, Andorra Tour.
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Registrado: 13 Ago 2007 21:49
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#32 Re: NEW! A place to improve our English!

Mensaje por javijuvenil »

Bueno, como está la susceptibilidad a flor de piel, y ese no es la intención de este post, herir susceptibilidades, este post DEBE SER CERRADO, ya que no creo que consiga la función educativa por la que fue creado.

Pido disculpas a los moderadores por lo acontecido.
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Registrado: 07 May 2006 21:48

#33 Re: NEW! A place to improve our English!

Mensaje por Fluzito »

It seems that some people don't know that when using internet (written language) it doesn't matter what you intend to say, but what you do say.
Some people seem to be ofended because they are told, in their mother tongue, what they have written.
It even seems that they are offended because they don't master a foreign language, and they just can mess around saying meaningless sentences.
Indeed, they behave childishly when they learn they have not the competence to make the others understand how fun they are.
What is more, once the "unlisto" is warned about the mistake it happens that it cannot be said in Spanish the real meaning of the "evil" word because it causes irritation.
I can only say it is just quite an interesting beahaviour which deserves a serious analysis from the "forbidders" (just made up this word for this thread) and the "unlisto"

Now, let me show you the difference between what you try to say and what you really say, and its consequences.


Ps: why close it when you can learn about it?
Ps: in my opinion noone but those whose mother tongue is English, or those who have spent many years living in a English speaking country can get to master English well enough to compare themselves to Master Shakespeare. The rest, me included, just use it after studying it for a long time.
So if you want to know what's the point of this argument, just look up the "evil" word before making a decision.
And, once again, let me strongly ask you not to trust on-line translators. If you wanna participate on a thread where it is spoken a language you are not used to follow these simple rules: read a lot, study hard, ask your doubts, and make the others know you can make unwanted mistakes because of your lack of proficiency in the language used on such thread. By following these few rules you will avoid "problems"

Ps: I disagree stormbringer when he says there is no need to know English to know this is not going well. In fact, I think that there is a great, huge, massive (just making the on-line translator go nuts ) need to know English because the root of the misunderstanding is the lack of English proficiency.

Ps: "nonsense sentences" has been changed into "meaningless sentences", as well as "fool around" into "mess around", after revision just to cool it down.

After all this writing I know you will use an on-line translator.

Fluzito is a postdata lover.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the King's horses and all the King's men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

El Viaje y La Crónica
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Registrado: 05 Mar 2007 01:22

#34 Re: NEW! A place to improve our English!

Mensaje por pisatxarkos »

javijuvenil escribió:I would like to know your opinion about this motorcycles:

I think this motorcycle is horrible, what do you think? Well, exactly the front is horrible. The other parts are nice.

I think it's the most beautiful motorcycle ever built? (Google Traductor helps me in this sentence)

What is your favourite motorcycle? What is the worst motorcycle as you think?
Dont touch my beemee, bloody winker !!!
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Registrado: 07 May 2006 21:48

#35 Re: NEW! A place to improve our English!

Mensaje por Fluzito »

After being given a mathematical answer I keep on with this thread.

I think we should start by learning some slang referring to motorbikes, if you agree you can have a look at this link. Hope you like it.

Just to make it more interesting let's make a start discussing the first word from that link:

ABS: anti-lock braking system, ¿do you think it is useful or not? I just will say I will never buy a motorbike with no ABS.

Ps: Pisatxarcos it's clear you are gifted in making subtle remarks. LOL

Ps: I will skip all text from on-line translators.
Ps: If you think there is a better way to say what I say just correct me, please. I mean grammar, slang, and that kind of stuff.

Fluzito is a postscript lover.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the King's horses and all the King's men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

El Viaje y La Crónica
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#36 Re: NEW! A place to improve our English!

Mensaje por spauser »

Although I'm not taking it for granted, I deeply doubt I'll post many more times here... but let me tell you a couple of things (to all of you), and it's that I thought this thread was about learning English. It's all right if we chat about everything you come up with but it's as interesting to express some grammar rules so whoever wants to improve his/her level of English will have the chance to do so. Don't you think so??? Fluzito is probably the most suitable person for such a task so he could be the one giving all of us some grammar lessons every few posts. That'd be lovely.

Having said that, the "popularly-but-don't-agree-at-all" ugliest beemer you're talking about is one I like the most because of its different style. You see? You never know which look will do better sales wise but undoubtedly it's been a failure in that, although I still like it so much and... it's out of the catalogue as far as I'm concerned so ST's propietors will have a good chance to stand out of the crowd :good:

See you later alligator!!!
Soy responsable de lo que digo, no de lo que tú entiendas
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Registrado: 02 Sep 2007 01:19

#37 Re: NEW! A place to improve our English!

Mensaje por xjpedro »

spauser escribió:Although I'm not taking it for granted, I deeply doubt I'll post many more times here... but let me tell you a couple of things (to all of you), and it's that I thought this thread was about learning English. It's all right if we chat about everything you come up with but it's as interesting to express some grammar rules so whoever wants to improve his/her level of English will have the chance to do so. Don't you think so??? Fluzito is probably the most suitable person for such a task so he could be the one giving all of us some grammar lessons every few posts. That'd be lovely.

Having said that, the "popularly-but-don't-agree-at-all" ugliest beemer you're talking about is one I like the most because of its different style. You see? You never know which look will do better sales wise but undoubtedly it's been a failure in that, although I still like it so much and... it's out of the catalogue as far as I'm concerned so ST's propietors will have a good chance to stand out of the crowd :good:

See you later alligator!!!
Totally agreed with the first paragraph, not agreed at all with the second. People with that bike would allways regret not to have bought the k 1200 gt, 'couse that boxer engine... that figure...I dont know... I mean, if you want a tourist bike, Why this one? Well, as you said, it's out...
BMW allways wanted to enhance their motorcycles and make them exclusives, and I really think sometimes they go too far.

Anyway, whoever wants to get rid of that ugly bike, here I am, :mrgreen:
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Registrado: 01 Dic 2007 20:33
Ubicación: Mirando pal Oeste.

#38 Re: NEW! A place to improve our English!

Mensaje por elemento »

I am going to expalin to you how to cook the best Bolognese:


-One onion, medium size.

-Two green peppers.

-Two cloves of garlic.

-Half kilogram of beef(the most important) 100% beef(do not be Scrooge).

-One Spanish spicy chorizo(spicy sausage four or five cms).

-Bechamel sauce.

-Grated cheese.

-Tomato sauce (not ketchup)

You chop the onion, peppers and garlic very finely.

Put this in the frying pan with a little bit of olive oil, just a little bit and cook it very slow until you see it is softened. Don´t stop to stir every two mins.

While the vegetable are cooking add some ground pepper and salt to the meat and mix it with your hands.

Chop the spanish sausage and add it to the meet too. Mix with your hand.

Next pour yourself a large glass of wine and take a few sips. Now you are ready to add the meet to a large saucepan wiht a little bit of olive oil(spanish olive oil, not italian!!!) Don´t stop to mix, every minute until the meat is half cook so then add the vegetables and mix again do this on a low heat.

Take out the excess water.

When the meat is nearly cooked, add the tomato sauce and mix and mix and mix, low heat.

Mix every five you deserve a large sip of wine and refill the glass.

Mix every five mins for half an hour and open another bottle of wine,good quality, not two euros wine!!

You can cook the pasta while the meat is cooking.

When everything is ready(you should be tipsy) put inside a bowl the sauce and add enough bechamel to make it creamy(three table spoons more or less).

Put your pasta in an oven proof bowl, add the bolognese and put cheese on top with some oregano.

Another glass of wine and get the table ready(you should be nearly pissed by now and if you're not it's because you got a shit quality bottle of wine!!).

If for some reason you have finished the second bottle feel free to open the third bottle.

The meal should be ready in 10 mins(200 degrees)
Camarón que se lo lleva la corriente.
Mensajes: 578
Registrado: 07 May 2006 21:48

#39 Re: NEW! A place to improve our English!

Mensaje por Fluzito »

I really like this thread and I'd love to be more active on it. Unfortunatelly, I lack of spare time now. But in four months time I'll be free again to become ActiveMan on this thread.
Till that time come I'll follow you...

Elemento that's my favourite cooking fact I'm a sucker for celebartion (not a mistake :mrgreen: ) foods. Now, let me tell you how to cook Turkey in whiskey for any Special Occasion


- 1 Turkey of about 4 kilograms

- One bottle of good whiskey

- Some bacon stripes

- Olive oil, salt, pepper

Step 1: Fill turkey with bacon and olive oil. Tie and add salt and pepper

Step 2: Get a bit of whiskey for the wait.

Step 3: Pre hot oven to 180 degrees for 10 minutes

Step 4: Get another bit of whiskey as the turkey needs 45 minutes in the oven.

Step 5: Put the turkey in the oven

Step 6: Wait 30 minutes (need another bit of whiskey)

Step 7: Setthe phermostat at 150 bbdegreeees and wait enti minits

Sdep 8: Get adoder glas'o wisky

Sdep 9: afer som while oven the open andad some wisky to de turky and meself

Sdep 10: burn youhand wen clossssing ovin sheeeeeetssccorch

Sdep 11: Ged'ome fuckin'ice for'e'hand and wisky of glas

Sdep 12: et som chupitos until turkyyyyyy is ridy

Sdep 13: Get the turky from ovin an drop it, use dissshtowel topush it to a plate

Sdep 14: Brekyourneck ssssssliping nde grease

Sdep 15: Trrrrry to ge'up without le'ing go botle, afer many try decide to sssssstay in the flor

SSSsssdep 16: Hurrythebottle an drrrrrag youself to bbbbbed

Step 17: Wake in the morning, get 2 coffees, pick up the turkey from the floor, the bottle, clean and turn off oven.

PS: it's a copy-paste. I first read it 8-10 years ago, so maybe you alredy knew it.

Fluzito is a postscript lover.
Última edición por Fluzito el 11 Mar 2009 14:18, editado 1 vez en total.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the King's horses and all the King's men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

El Viaje y La Crónica

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