Que es un INTRASTAT?
John, I just got an email from the skid plate manufacturer. He checked into some things and in order to make this whole thing fully legal with the taxes etc. he asked if you can find a dealer in Spain that deals motorcycles or accessories. He said that he needs to file an INTRASTAT statement and so does that guy. The plates don't have to go to him, they just need someone to be able to do this. Can you ask if anyone knows anyone willing to do this ??? I'm not sure about the details, but as I understand it, this way the manufacturer will be able to save on greek taxes so if there's a need I could probably ask him to lower his price even more so you can perhaps give some money to the dealer in Spain for helping out. I'll try to call him tomorrow and check on the details but try to ask your people if they know anyone.
It's kind of urgent because he said that the plates will be ready for shipping
August 10-11.
Es mas complicado de lo que parece, pero.. ¿alguien ha hecho algo parecido a esto?.
Basicamente, dice que para que sea todo legal (y ahorrarnos los impuestos) necesitamos un vendedor empresa de que venda motos o accesorios y que necesita el INTRASTAT de ese vendendor. Me imagino que entre la comunidad europea es como una forma de decir, vendo esto a un negocio español para que el lo venda ahi y asi, sea todo completamente legal.
¿Conoceis algun taller de motos (venta de motos y accesorios) de confianza que se preste a hacer esto? Podriamos incluso decirles que bajen el precio del cubrecarter para poder darles un "incentivo" al taller por sus servicios y ser legales 100%.
Muuuuchas Gracias...
Sobre el 10 de este mes podria estar en el camion para su envio...